- 專利名稱(中文) / 非抗生物質咸豐草抗球蟲症飼料添加物
- 專利名稱(英文) / Alternative product on chemical anti-coccidial drugs
- 所屬單位(一級單位) / 獸醫學院
- 所屬單位(二級單位) / 獸醫學系
- 發明人(中文) / 張力天
- 發明人(英文) / Lee-Tian Chang
- 申請國家 /
- 專利類型 /
- 專利證書號 /
- 技術成熟度 /

咸豐草抗球蟲症飼料添加物有效取代化學抗球蟲藥(國際多區域於2021年禁止飼料添加): 無無有製成 天然有機安全無毒可食性植物性添加物 無藥物殘留引致抗藥性疑慮 多元有效性(抗球蟲症、改善腸道菌相、改善肉蛋品質) 標準製成、全程品管 成本低、容易投予
Coccidiosis is an economically important disease in the poultry industry. The European Council has announced that the chemical anti-coccidial drugs will be banned in 2021. In view of the disadvantages of anti-coccidial drugs in chickens, edible plants and their compounds are an alternative strategy to combat this disease. The product from Bidens pilosa feed additive has following several advantages for the poultry industry. Edible and safe feed additive (no toxicity and residue) Multiple effects (anti-coccidial, beneficial effect on gut microbiota, improved meat and egg quality) Lot production (standard QC & QA) Low cost and high profit

抗球蟲症Anti-coccidial properties、咸豐草Bidens pilosa、禽類養殖業poultry industry