
  • 專利名稱(中文) / 室內空氣汙染源追蹤與調控方法之研究
  • 專利名稱(英文) / Method of Tracing and Regulations for Indoor Air Pollution Source
  • 所屬單位(一級單位) / 工學院
  • 所屬單位(二級單位) / 電機工程學系
  • 發明人(中文) / 溫志煜
  • 發明人(英文) / Chih-Yu Wen
  • 申請國家 /
  • 專利類型 /
  • 專利證書號 / I555953
  • 技術成熟度 /

一、空氣污染的來源與健康影響 空氣污染已被目前證實會損害人體健康,這些空氣污染源包含細懸浮微粒、二氧化氮、二氧化硫、甲醛、一氧化碳等等。一般人大都以為這些有害物質系來自於工廠或汽機車引擎排放,選擇處置的方法是緊閉窗戶或開啟空氣過濾機。此時,若緊閉窗戶就產生病態大樓的風險,對於人體健康會造成更多的傷害;然而一味的開啟空氣濾淨機的效果也可能浪費電源。 二、技術概述與優勢 本發明專利主要是利用無線感測網路(wireless sensor networking, WSN)的技術,建立室內與戶外的感測節點,成為智慧型物聯網系統(Internet of Things,IOT),自動追蹤空氣汙染源,作智慧的防治規劃。 雛型結構包含感測節點、傳輸節點、輸出控制模式、閘道器與伺服器。比對感測節點之間的濃度以判斷汙染源來室內或戶外,或者室內的何處,以提供正確的排除手段;此外,模組化可隨使用需求增減,應用範圍可於住家或者大面積的醫院、賣場等公共場所。

1. Sources of air pollution and health effects People usually think that these harmful substances (e.g., particulate matter (PM), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), formaldehyde, carbon monoxide (CO), etc.) are emitted from factories or automobile engines, which may lead to close the windows or open the air filter for quarantining the particles. Therefore, if the windows are closed, there is a risk of causing more damage on the human body. Moreover, since there is no information about the pollution sources, it may waste energy to turn on the air cleaner blindly. 2. Technical overview and superiority Our team has proposed an automatic air quality tracking system. With the wireless sensing modules and Internet of Things technologies, the proposed system is able to compare the concentration between sensing nodes to determine whether the pollution source comes indoors or outdoors, which can make right decisions on exclusions. In addition, based on the scope of application (e.g., home or a larger area such as hospitals, stores and other public places), the scale of the system can be flexibly adjusted on demand.

空氣汙染、無線網路感測、智慧物聯網、 深度學習

Air pollution, Wireless Sensor Networking, Internet of Things, Deep Learning
