
  • 專利名稱(中文) / 糖尿病血管病變檢測系統
  • 專利名稱(英文) / Diabetic Vascular Degeneration Detection System
  • 所屬單位(一級單位) / 生命科學院
  • 所屬單位(二級單位) / 生物醫學研究所
  • 發明人(中文) / 許美鈴
  • 發明人(英文) / Meei-Ling Sheu,
  • 申請國家 /
  • 專利類型 /
  • 專利證書號 /
  • 技術成熟度 /

糖尿病的病症,不是只有過高的血糖濃度及明顯的尿糖,最棘手的是會引起一些併發症,相關併發症主要分別為大血管及小血管病變兩大類。血管併發症是導致糖尿病患者發生的大多數發病率、住院治療和死亡的原因。實驗室開發血管病變檢測系統分析技術,特別針對進行糖尿病大血管與小血管功能性血清分析檢測與定量分析。此外,檢測系統也可以同步檢測淚液成為視網膜病變的檢測篩選系統。未來將可以進一步以尿液分析檢測。該血管病變檢測系統將提供更高的專一性,便於有效、快速地協助臨床醫師立即性診斷與長期 血管病變病程監控。

Diabetes is not only a high blood sugar concentration and obvious urine sugar, the most difficult is the cause of some complications. Maintaining glycemic control in patients with diabetes prevents many of the microvascular and macrovascular complications associated with diabetes. Vascular complications are responsible for most of the morbidity, hospitalizations, and death that occur in patients with diabetes mellitus. Our laboratory develops vascular degeneration detection system, especially for the serum quantitative analysis in functional assay. In addition, the detection system can simultaneously detect tears for retinopathy. In the future, it will be possible to further analyze for urine. The vascular degeneration detection system will provide more specificity, facilitating effective and rapid assistance to clinicians for immediate diagnosis and long-term vascular disease monitoring.


Diabetes, Vascular Degeneration, Detection System, Retinopathy
