
  • 專利名稱(中文) / 皮膚美白、去斑與除皺
  • 專利名稱(英文) / Skin Whitening, Despeckle and Wrinkle Removal
  • 所屬單位(一級單位) / 工學院
  • 所屬單位(二級單位) / 生醫工程研究所
  • 發明人(中文) / 王惠民
  • 發明人(英文) / Hui-Min David Wang
  • 申請國家 /
  • 專利類型 /
  • 專利證書號 / 美國專利證號:8455023中華民國專利證號:099105580,發明第I 481422號日本專利證號:5773111ICNI number: 5-02-2012-0246中華民國專利:發明第 I426926
  • 技術成熟度 /

黑色素細胞由胚胎神經嵴中的前提細胞轉變而來。黑色素細胞主要分布在表皮的基底層及毛囊外跟梢,其次分布在人體的黏膜,脈絡膜,視網膜,軟腦膜,膽囊,卵巢等處,是一種腺細胞。黑色素細胞能合成並分泌黑色素,其生物合成過程極為複雜。 皮膚透過紫外線的照射之下,會釋放出前列腺素,刺激黑色素細胞的生成,並同時促進酪胺酸酶活性,加速黑色素生成並儲存於黑色素小體中,當黑色素小體與角質細胞融合後,會逐漸上移至皮膚表面,造成皮膚變黑。 我們的產品有下列優點: 1.穩定性高:耐酸鹼,不受溫度環境影響 2.好吸收:能輕易進入角質層被肌膚吸收,不需服用或施打針劑 3.改善暗沉預防黑斑:抑制黑色素生成,預防黑斑、淡斑與去除黑眼圈效果

Skin whitening, also known as lightening, brightening, depigmentation, and bleaching is the use of substances to lighten the color of skin. Many agents for skin whitening are a significant risk to health, including mercury-based methods. Melanin is the main substance responsible for the color of the skin. Melanin is a class of dark polymers generated by the body through the process of melanogenesis. Among the melanin pigmenting the skin and hair, two types can be distinguished based on its chemical composition and biological route of synthesis: the black and brown eumelanin and the red and yellow pheomelanin. Melanin in synthesized in melanosomes which are organelles produced in melanocytes, cells dedicated to this function that are present in the skin, hair follicles, and other structures of the body. The synthesis of melanin, also called "melanogenesis" and "melanization", involves a chain of enzyme-catalyzed chemical reactions and non-enzyme-catalyzed reactions. Anti-aging creams are predominantly moisturiser-based cosmeceutical skin care products marketed with the promise of making the consumer look younger by reducing, masking or preventing signs of skin aging.


Skin Whitening, Despeckle, Wrinkle Removal
