
  • 專利名稱(中文) / 適用於人群環繞場所之智慧型自走式載具發展及其應用
  • 專利名稱(英文) / Developments and Applications of an Intelligent Autonomous Mover for Environments with Surrounding Crowds
  • 所屬單位(一級單位) / 工學院
  • 所屬單位(二級單位) / 電機工程學系
  • 發明人(中文) / 黃穎聰及智慧型自走式載具技術發展團隊
  • 發明人(英文) / Yin-Tsung Hwang & Intelligent Autonomous Mover Technologies Development Team
  • 申請國家 /
  • 專利類型 /
  • 專利證書號 /
  • 技術成熟度 /

本技術的目標為開發出一完整的適用於人群環繞場所之智慧型自走式載具iAMEC,主要應用於室內百貨商場的客戶自動化服務。本自走載具除了能夠閃避人群障礙,自主的行進至設定的位置點之外,還能對行人以及各式障礙物做精準的分類,並且對每一目標做更進一步的行為預測。此外iAMEC也搭配一套定位系統以及行控中心,由定位系統回報iAMEC位置,行控中心負責iAMEC的派遣以及路徑規劃。其關鍵核心技術包括了(1)障礙物偵測技術(2)AI/deep learning為基礎的障礙物分類技術(3)障礙物行為預測技術(4)AI edge端運算平台技術,以及(5)行控與導航技術。目前在載具設計、影像式物件偵測與識別、超音波陣列雷達、CNN加速晶片設計、雲端伺服系統以及導航控制與最佳化路徑規劃上都有初步成果,並可做簡單的系統展示。

This project is aimed at developing an intelligent autonomous mover (iAMEC in short) for environments surrounding with crowds. The main applications include automatic customer service for shopping centers. iAMEC can avoid the obstacle while navigating to the target location. It can also classify the pedestrians from other objects correctly and analyzes their behaviors for danger assessment. In addition, an indoor location system and a traffic control center are established for iAMEC. The indoor location system reports the location of iAMEC constantly to the traffic control center, which is in charge of the dispatch and route planning of iAMECs. The key technologies developed include (1) obstacle detection, (2) AI/deep learning based obstacle classification, (3) behavior predictions, (4) AI edge inference engine, and (5) traffic control and navigation. Preliminary results have been achieved in mover design, image based object detection & classification, ultrasound array radar, CNN hardware accelerator chip, cloud server, mover navigation control and optimal route planning. A simplified system is also set up for the demo purpose.


Autonomous Mover, Obstacle Detection, AI/Deep Learning
