- 專利名稱(中文) / 嵌入式光達模組於智慧雷射車燈之自動駕駛研發
- 專利名稱(英文) / A Study of Lidar Embedded Module Employing Smart Laser Headlight for Autonomous Driving
- 所屬單位(一級單位) / 電機資訊學院
- 所屬單位(二級單位) / 光電工程研究所
- 發明人(中文) / 鄭木海
- 發明人(英文) / Wood-Hi Cheng
- 申請國家 /
- 專利類型 /
- 專利證書號 / 一種以光達嵌入於智慧車燈自動駕駛之方法及裝置(美國專利編號:62/857,662)、MEMS-Based 1550-nm波長 LIDAR之光學架構及製造方法(美國專利編號:62/853,538)、VCSEL 1550nm光源之架構及製造方法(美國專利編號:62/856,518)
- 技術成熟度 / 開發期 Developing

本技術為開發嵌入式光達模組的智慧雷射車燈,以雷射為光源搭配數位微鏡組顯示(DMD)的智慧車燈,在夜間能控制車燈光場避開高反光區域、著重行車方向等,達成自動駕駛需求。感測部分是將光達點雲圖融合光學影像,以最有效率的方式從大量資料中判斷物體種類、距離與速度,快速反饋給自駕車系統與雷射智慧車燈系統中不同於現今的光達之905 nm波長,本技術選用的1550 nm波長的低成本固態光學掃瞄系統符合人眼安全規範,是未來光達系統開發的趨勢。未來因應自動駕駛市場需求,逐步開發高可靠度、高靈敏的以人工智慧為基礎的嵌入式光達智慧雷射車燈,是自駕車邁入Level 4 及Level 5的重要技術之一。
The key to plant photosynthesis using sunlight is the chloroplast of the leaves, which produces the carbohydrates necessary for growth and development. Therefore, plant photosynthesis is the main source of carbohydrates and oxygen in nature, and it is also the basis for our human survival. And crop yield is related to several major factors, including photosynthesis efficiency, water absorption and utilization efficiency, fertilizer absorption efficiency, resistance to pests and diseases, and temperature adaptability. Crop yield declines due to climate change and manpower reduction. Therefore, crop cultivation and increased yield in extreme climates are important issues to be solved. To reduce the amount of water, fertilizers, and pesticides through smart farming to achieve less water, less fertilizer, pesticides, and less disease. We collected a variety of different sensor data to develop wisdom irrigation system. The feature selection and artificial intelligence approaches were used to build the prediction model. Finally, we chosen five significant features for our system.

LiDAR Module, Smart Laser Headlight, Embedded System, Artificial Intelligence, Autonomous Driving