-A total of 23 young people from various regions in Indonesia attended the modern agriculture training that was carried out by the Agro Ethics and Organization for Industrial, Spiritually, Culture and Advancement (OISCA), an organization based in Japan.They are intensively trained on how to develop agriculture including its development management.
The training was opened by Banyuwangi Regent Abdullah Azwar Anas on Alasrejo Village area plantation, Wongsorejo Subdistrict, Banyuwangi , Tuesday (09/25/2018 )
On that occasion, Anas hoped that graduates from the OISCA Agro Smart Training Center (STC) were able to develop horticultural agriculture in Banyuwangi.
"Now tourist arrivals in Banyuwangi are increasing.Fruit demand also increased.If at present, Banyuwangi has successfully developed dragon fruit and oranges, I think it is also necessary to develop other fruit agriculture, "Anas said.
The hope presented by Anas was not without reason.Considering this training involves many competent parties.Besides OISCA, which is based in Japan, it also involves several well-known campuses in agriculture.Starting from the UB UB Faculty of Agriculture to National Chung Hsing University (NCHU) Taichung, Taiwan.
"Taichung is one of the most successful areas of the fruit agriculture industry.So, I want to go forward, this collaboration with National Chung Hsing University can be further improved, "he said.
Representatives from National Chung Hsing University, Lin Yung Kai, enthusiastically welcomed the idea.He has hopes that Indonesian agriculture, especially in Banyuwangi, can have international quality.
"Good idea to develop fruit farming here.We will examine it further, "Lin Yung said.
Lin Yung Kai added, this training also taught participants about three important things that must be mastered by farmers to be able to have international quality." Modern, professional agriculture and environmentally sound.That is the key, "he said.
Meanwhile, OISCA International Japan's Foreign Director, Akira Morita, said the main objective of OISCA to hold various agricultural trainings was an effort to participate in minimizing the negative impact of the agricultural sector. < br>
Director of STC OISCA Banyuwangi Basoenondo explained, the training was attended by 23 participants.Apart from Banyuwangi itself, several participants from outside the city also participated.
"They will be trained for nine months.Not only are they trained technically, but they are also nurtured by their character to become a professional farmer, "Basoenondo said.
During these nine months, all accommodation and facilities were borne by OISCA.They will use the land from the plantation to explore the various knowledge they have learned during the training.
Source (Indonesia News):
https://news.detik.com/berita-jawa-timur/d-4229045/bupati-anas-ingin-pertanian-modern-pacu-sektor-hortikultura Ardian Fanani - detikNews